Master post - web service blog series

Sat 25 March 2017 by Adrian Torrie

Master post for the blog series that holds all the links related to making web service calls to Overview of the web service can be found here. This post shows you how to create a secure credentials file to hold the username and password so you don't have to keep entering it, and will allow for automation later. A quick overview is given below of establishing a session using the requests module, and parsing the xml response using xml.etree.cElementTree.

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Udacity DLFND Project 1 Notes

Sat 25 March 2017 by Adrian Torrie

Notes I took to help with Project 1 Introduction to Neural Networks. Covers the intuition behind neural networks, activation functions, gradient descent, backpropogation, along with additional resources for further learning.

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Manipulating financial data with Python

Wed 01 March 2017 by Adrian Torrie

Part 1 in a series covering the first micro-course in Udacity's Machine Learning for Trading.

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